Physiotherapy is a healing method focused on mobility. Physiotherapists help patients regain mobility, as far as possible. They assess, diagnose and treat disabilities. From back pain, neck pain, knee pain, and ligament issues to Parkinson’s, Paralysis, Cerebral Palsy, and more, our physiotherapists can heal both chronic and acute problems at home.
Traction refers to the set of mechanisms relieving pressure on the spine and skeletal system.
The purpose of traction is to:
• To lessen or eliminate muscle spasms.
• To relieve pressure on nerves, especially spinal.
• To prevent or reduce skeletal deformities or muscle contractures.
Traction refers to the set of mechanisms relieving pressure on the spine and skeletal system.
The purpose of traction is to:
• To lessen or eliminate muscle spasms.
• To relieve pressure on nerves, especially spinal.
• To prevent or reduce skeletal deformities or muscle contractures.
Pelvic Traction for Low Back
Ultrasound machines are a treatment modality used by physical therapists that utilize high or low frequency sound waves. These sound waves are transmitted to the surrounding tissue and vasculature. They penetrate the muscles to cause deep tissue/muscle warming.
This promotes tissue relaxation and therefore is useful in treating muscle tightness and spasms. The warming effect of the sound waves also cause vessel vasodilatation and increase circulation to the area that assists in healing.
The physical therapist can also adjust the frequency on the machine to use waves that will decrease inflammation.
Electrical stimulation:
Electrical stimulation uses an electrical current to cause a single muscle or a group of muscles to contract. By placing electrodes on the skin in various locations the physical therapist can recruit the appropriate muscle fibers. Contracting the muscle via electrical stimulation helps strengthen the affected muscle.
The physical therapist can change the current setting to allow for a forceful or gentle muscle contraction. Along with increasing muscle strength, the contraction of the muscle also promotes blood supply to the area that assists in healing.
A TENS unit stands for transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation. It is a small battery operated machine that uses electrical transmission to decrease pain. Electrodes are applied to the affected area. The machine is turned on and an electrical current is sent through the electrodes.
A tingling sensation is felt in the underlying skin and muscle. This signal disrupts the pain signal that is being sent from the affected area to the surrounding nerves. By breaking this signal, the patient experiences less pain.
A TENS unit stands for transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation. It is a small battery operated machine that uses electrical transmission to decrease pain. Electrodes are applied to the affected area. The machine is turned on and an electrical current is sent through the electrodes.
A tingling sensation is felt in the underlying skin and muscle. This signal disrupts the pain signal that is being sent from the affected area to the surrounding nerves. By breaking this signal, the patient experiences less pain.
It’s a Heat modality . It contains 2 Heat pads, Other type of SWD contains 2 discs. When the machine is switched on, heat is produced. The Electric pad is kept in such a way covering the treatment area. The heat gives soothing effect and increases blood circulation over the area and relieves pain. The electric pad must not be in staright contact with the skin. Towel must be placed between the skin and the pads.
Paraffin Wax is used. Itz Otherwise known as waxbath. Wax is melted when the machine is switched on, due to the heat produced in it. Linth Cloth is Dipped inside the wax and Squeezed and kept over the treatment area. Wax Bath is used in Relieving adhesions, joint Stiffness and the improve joint range of motion by reducing pain and stiffness.
The Quadriceps Exercise:
The quadriceps are a large group of muscles located on the front of the thigh. Four muscles are in this group — the rectus femoris, vastus intermedius, vastus medialis, and vastus lateralis. By contracting together, they work to straighten the knee and bend the thigh. Strengthening the quadriceps is an important part of a well rounded rehabilitation program. Learn three easy exercises today.
Straight Leg Raise:
While lying on your back, lift your leg straight up about 12 inches off the floor. Hold for 10 seconds and slowly lower. Repeat.
Joint mobilization is a type of passive movement of a skeletal joint. It is usually aimed at a ‘target’ synovial joint with the aim of achieving a therapeutic effect